Sunday, September 07, 2008


From my good friend Alyssa's blog

Gustav's Glory

Well Gustav did a pretty amazing job in Baton Rouge and Southern Louisiana. I called my family and it seems as if there is no media attention surrounding the state-wide disaster. It is crazy to me. My friend and I drove to another parish (county) today and saw even more devastation. Yes, a healthy person can live without power. Unfortunately these areas have a lot a large elderly and disabled population. One hospital is closed and others are running on generators. It is quite a site here with still so many trees down. The town is somewhat of a ghost town with only those venturing out to find food and fill up gas tanks. I can't bare to wait five hours in a FEMA line to get water, ice and MREs, but most are forced to wait...and then they run out of gas. My dear friend in Iowa found this article. It gives a great overview. I am just so thankful that my friends and their families are safe. I tried to go to work today but with no power and no phone, I had a difficult time doing my job. I used my cell phone to call my clients but only go through to one. Hopefully there will be more gas down here after the weekend so I can drive directly to my clients to see if they need help. Say an extra prayer that Ike doesn't show is face in LA! Love to all.....Alyssa
*I took this picture this evening...This is what most of the town looks like.
Posted by Alyssa 4 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Still no power
My friend is one of the luckiest people I know. Her house and yard were untouched and she regained power this evening. After four sleepless nights, I am staying at her house tonight. The town is a power anywhere. I am trying to find a way to work but it is nearly impossible because there is no gas anywhere. I waited in line for FEMA stuff today and never got anything. I just hopes things can get better. I am wiped out. However, I am very thankful for the things I do have. My apartment, car and cat are safe and all of my friends down here only had house damage. So I am blessed, just really tired. If you have tried to call my phone, you have probably not been able to get through. Having lots of problems with that.
Posted by Alyssa 4 comments
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hurricane Update
Ok, the storm is worse than I thought. Everyone says that I can't be alone so I am going to a friends' parents house. I am leaving plenty of food and water for my cat and my roommate will be checking on her. My roommate works for the Red Cross so she has been giving me updates. Poor is so overwhelming over there. Everyone wants answers and right now it is so hard to find them. I am cleaning, organizing, and packing for the rest of the day. I will check in one more time today before I shut my computer down. I have two phones so hopefully one of them will work. Don't try to call my land line because I have no corded phone. (all stores were out, I tried yesterday) I am remaining calm. I have a lot of concern for my clients. It is times like these when I wish they were all in a secure facility so they would be safe. Unfortunately that is not the case. Pray for them!Just know that I am safe and everything will be ok! You just may not hear from me for a week or so. Thank you for your prayers!
Posted by Alyssa 8 comments

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